Baseboarders™ launches new site to enhance user experience

BOULDER, Colo., Dec. 19, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Baseboarders™ recently launched a new version of its' website that introduces a simplified process for specifying and ordering the company's iconic replacement baseboard heater covers.

"The objective was to create a simple, self-guided process of specifying and ordering our award-winning replacement baseboard heater covers," said Rick Morse, Founder of Renovation Brands. "We have distilled the process into a few easy steps that are supported by great new visual images and videos. We think the new site experience is a tremendous upgrade."

Focus was also placed on refining the elements that are important to specific customer types including do-it-yourself consumers and contractors. Homeowners have indicated an appreciation for the ease of installation, durability and safety as critical differentiators, while contractors appreciate the value of Baseboarders™ products when you consider that they are made of high-quality materials that are guaranteed to last and can be installed quickly without tools or specialized labor.

For more information on Baseboarders™ new website, click here.

About Baseboarders™:

Baseboarders, a company of Renovation Brands, is the manufacturer of easy slip-on replacement baseboard covers that replace old dented, rusted, outdated baseboard heater covers. Baseboarders offers three modern styles with a full complement of accessories that work for most replacement projects for both residential and commercial applications. The company offers competitive pricing, quick shipping, and personalized service by phone.

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